The Paperwork of Aging: All About Living Wills, POAs, and Estate Planning
It was her worst nightmare. Karen’s Aunt Marge was in the Emergency Room, and Karen was in the ER waiting room after a midnight phone...
5 Crime Prevention Tips for Seniors
No one wants to become the victim of a crime. No matter what your age is, there are steps that you can take to help protect your home and...
Ways Caregivers Can Avoid Elderspeak with Seniors
Elderspeak occurs when someone in a senior’s life, whether well-meaning or not, uses language that talks down to an older adult by...
5 Signs Your Senior Parent Should Not Be Living Alone
Making the decision that it’s time for your senior parent to stop living alone can be difficult. The signs that there is a problem can be...
Why Your Ill Parent Fools the Doctor & What to Do About IT
Carol Bradley Bursack, with, shares this: A frequent problem expressed among adult children is that their parents aren’t...
Simple Changes for Making a Home More Accessible
What tips or products can you recommend to help make a home safer and more convenient for those who are aging or have a disability? My...
Your Plan for Senior Care
Published August 17, 2012 United Methodist Foundation for the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences Planning for retirement and senior care...